Salvation Within Reach
Jesus answered and said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.” (Luke 5:31, 32)
Christ came to bring salvation within the reach of all... The most erring, the most sinful, were not passed by; His labors were especially for those who most needed the salvation He came to bring. The greater their need of reform, the deeper was His interest, the greater His sympathy, and the more earnest His labors. His great heart of love was stirred to its depths for the ones whose condition was most hopeless and who most needed His transforming grace. (Testimonies for the Church 5:603).
Perspective Check: Who are they that "are well [and] have no need of a physician"? Who are the "sick" who do need a physician?
Action Points:
1. Thank God for bringing salvation within your reach.
2. Share the great news with someone today that Christ has brought salvation within reach of all.
- Lesson 15: God’s Future Home for Me
- Lesson 14: The Keys of Death and Hell, by Coach Venus Harris
- LESSON 13: The Blessed Hope, by Bonita Sirls
- LESSON 12: Christ in His Rest, by Coach Juanita Staten
- LESSON 11: Covenant of Promise, by Dr Robert Salter
- LESSON 10: Christ, the Law of Life, by Coach Michael Bibbs
- LESSON 9: Walking In The Spirit, by Coach Sheila Love
- LESSON 8: FAITH OF JESUS, by Coach Vivian Teel
- LESSON 7: DYING IN CHRIST, by Coach Tonda Alexander
- LESSON 6: BEING BORN AGAIN, by Coach Janice Cole
- Lesson 5: A Complete Savior In Christ, Elder Rey Forde, Prescott Valley, Arizona
- Lesson 4: Accepted in Christ, Coach Paul Kirkpatrick, Baltimore, Maryland
- Bible Discovery Lesson 3 - God's Amazing Love, Pastor Jenks Brutus
- Lesson 2: Christ, Man’s Only Solution, Coach Venus Harris, Belleville Illinois
- Lesson 1: God Loves Me, by Angela K Powell, Belleville, Illinois.